Thank you for your interest in providing content or presentations at ISFA events.
If you are not a speaker but would like to suggest a topic for ISFA to tackle in one of our programs, please submit your idea to [email protected].
We also have opportunities to include content in our quarterly publication, Countertops & Architectural Surfaces magazine. If you would like to submit content for editorial consideration, contact [email protected].
INSTRUCTIONS Please read all the information on this page and complete the following application with the requested information. Should you be selected as a presenting speaker, the information you provide will be printed in brochures, flyers, emails, online and other promotional channels at the association’s discretion. Proof of prior speaking engagements may be required later (e.g., audio/video tapes of presentations, books, articles, letters of recognition, evaluations). Please submit a separate proposal for each topic or presentation.
PROPOSAL REVIEW Members of the ISFA Event Committee will review all proposals. Unless otherwise indicated your proposal will be considered for all speaking opportunities at ISFA.
PROGRAMMING ISFA events are hosted both virtually and in-person.
Virtual events are held when warranted for hot-topic industry news. The standard presentation is about 45 minutes with 15 minutes for a Q&A session.
In-person events include Fabricator Forums and a Hands-On Extravaganza. These events focus on practical resources and solutions for short-term implementation. For Fabricator Forums, our presenters speak on a relevant topic for 45 minutes to one hour, including Q&A. The Hands-On Extravaganza is designed to provide practical demonstrations and interactive workshops. All in-person events include a networking component.
The ISFA Annual Conference is a three-day in-person event designed to facilitate education, awareness and networking. The keynote presentation is one hour. There are several additional opportunities for presentations, panel discussions and breakout sessions. These vary in length and format based on content.
PUBLICITY ISFA will publicize this event to various media partners. To entice attendees to register, ISFA may also change the event title, add a byline to the title, or use additional promotional language when advertising the event.
ISFA reserves the right to contact media outlets of our choice and is not responsible for content errors that may occur if media outlets abbreviate or change the description of the event that we've provided to them.
SPEAKER FEES ISFA is a nonprofit organization. We solicit partnerships with subject matter experts on a variety of diverse topics. In exchange for sharing your expertise with our membership, we provide increased visibility and opportunities to strengthen relationships with key decision-makers. ISFA generally does not compensate speakers. For further details about speaking arrangements, please complete the RFP online form below. If selected, we will contact you with next steps.
PRESENTATION MATERIALS At the end of this form, you will be asked if we can share your presentation materials (slide deck, handouts or other materials) with our members or with event attendees. Our members often request materials prior to the event or after the meeting as means to refresh their notes. We also distribute presentation materials to those members who showed interest in the event but were unable to attend.
To proceed, complete the form below and click “SUBMIT” when your application is complete.
