OSHA Resources for Fabricators
Silica Overview & OSHA Regulations
Crystalline silica is a prevalent mineral that can produce respirable crystalline silica (RCS) particles during various industrial processes, posing significant health risks, including silicosis and lung cancer. In response, OSHA established a new rule that lowers the permissible exposure level for RCS from 100 µg/m3 to 50 µg/m3, effective June 23, 2016, with specific compliance deadlines for the construction and general industry sectors.
National Emphasis Program – Respirable Crystalline Silica
In September 2023, OSHA launched a new initiative focused on enhancing enforcement and providing compliance assistance to protect workers in the engineered stone fabrication and installation industries.
This program prioritizes federal OSHA inspectors to identify and ensure prompt abatement of hazards in the industry.
Federal OSHA Website
Visit the Federal OSHA site to access all OSHA information and resources.
State OSHA Standards and Free Workplace Posters
Every state may have its own set of standards and workplace poster requirements.
Small Business Webpage
OSHA provides safety and health resources specifically designed for small businesses. Find information on complying with OSHA standards and receive advice you can trust through OSHA's no-cost and confidential On-Site Consultation Program.is a portal to workplace safety and health information for small employers.
Fact Sheet for New Businesses
Fact Sheets include helpful information about OSHA for new businesses.
Small Entity Compliance Guides
Small Entity Compliance Guides help small employers comply with OSHA standards.
Quick Takes is OSHA’s free e-newsletter, delivered twice a month, with the latest news about OSHA initiatives and compliance assistance resources.
Leading Indicators
Using Leading Indicators to Improve Safety and Health Outcomes provides guidance on SMART safety and health goals.
Practices for Safety & Health Programs
OSHA’s Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs guides on developing, implementing, and maintaining safety and health programs.
